Monday, August 16, 2010

Just a quick photo of my work station. The wacom is new, and large, helps greatly with carpotunnel thanks greatly to the wide sweeping motions with my arm. Will snap a shot of my art laptop when It arrives and I set it up!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Freelancer concept Design.

Ok this one took a shorter period of time, because I didnt mess up, take a day away from it. I did mess up but I quickly recovered my stamina and began work on the very next page. I put together this type of page like the last one to show the process behind he design.

What started from a simple thumbnail design, I scanned and blew up a version and printed it to make sure I would have room for the sword and body. The first attempt (bottom right) I went ahead and began designing the armor on top of the body. A habit I REALLY need to break.

So quickly I designed some armor and clothing concepts, from there I began forming the Freelancer. As you can see, I kept struggling with what kind of hair to give him, and in the end I put the banana on him and yet it works.
Used or stolen armor from dead soldiers, raggy clothing, he looks more of a merchant then anything else. Everything about him is almost 2nd or 3rd handed. The sword and chest armor do have a story but that is for later!
With every moody hero its nice to have a adorable little pet or sidekick. His just happens to sleep in his shirt.

There is 2 more designs left for character concepts, a brute tank, and a sexy elf.

Damage done to the flesh, one more soul to the call.

Female Anthro Gypsie Concept.

I feel this may be a good way of explaining things I do when I am doing artwork.

I was going for a type of thief feline.

The first was being drawn on 14X18 paper, and instead of doing a rough draft first on separate paper then tracing onto my main paper, I started with the head and began working my way down, before even finished I got bored and began penciling and adding armor.

The mistakes are her expression, her body language, and her armor, to much thick leather armor on a fur body=head and movement restriction. As I explain in the picture, she seems scared.

A day later (today) I do random rough thumbnails on a scrap, I wanted a simple pose in a way, after finishing I decided to scan and do the clothing concepts in OC digitally, saving myself time and trouble trying to distinguish markings with pencils.

The result is what you see, I feel more comfortable with her body, her expression, and her garments. She now feels like what I envisioned for her. Instead of leathers I gave her silks and thin garments, thanks to speaking with other friends and helping me make that decision. Her appearance is that of a Gypsy or belly dancer, and her instincts are always aware of surroundings. So her thief instinct works as well for this type of costume/character, her weapons to be knifes is replaced by her claws and agile body, her tail jewel can even be used as a bludgeoning device.

I hope my explanation to this was good, or if people read it or not. I just wanted to give a small insight to my process sometimes when my brain comes to a halt. I may put up soon my process on how I get such clean penciling via tracing my own artwork.

Thanks again.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Home Robotic Workshop.


I am getting in a bad habit of staying up all night long to work on artwork, its good in a way, and very bad for my sleep. I am really happy to be getting the chance to work on things a bit different.
As for that PC, if it makes a good bench to sit on, then it must be very wide. If there are plugs going in the side, imagine if that beast has multiple motherboards.

He seems to be making a larger scale model of his little helper bots :).
This is all done in pencil, and can be found inside my 11X14 sketchbook, the original idea was to black the entire background in, but with pencil? NO! It kinda seems ok the way it is however.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Save me some sugar.

As many know.. I have been sick for 3 weeks or more, I got sick, felt better, got Bronchitis, felt better 1 day, got severely worse. Then while taking care of a rescued kitten, fell and injured my right ankle, and right arm. THEN! as my medical condition worsened yesterday, I contemplated going to the ER I couldn't breathe and my arms was hurting so bad, this morning I coughed and the tendon in my right arm was pulled, the swelling in my neck and coughing jerked it so bad that I felt like my arm was being broke bone by bone for 6 hours until I could get into the hospital.


I have an even worse case of bronchitis, I pulled the disc or ripped the tendon in my neck to my right arm (down to the middle finger)


Steroids shot into my left ass cheek.
Antibiotics shot into my right ass cheek.
Pain shot into my right arm (ohh man that felt so good, if you wish for an example of my pain level, on the way to the hospital I coughed and it jerked again, I began screaming and crying in agony)
Breathing Treatments (my breathing was barley pushing 300, I was supposed to be 400, but when I left it was 350, so that was good enough)

I left the doctor with prescriptions.
Trippy pain meds.
Higher powered antibiotics.

She told me if I am no better by tomorrow then to come back to the hospital to be hospitalized.
But I have to say, right now, I can breathe, I feel fantastic, but that's prolly because I am so shot up full of shit and pain meds I don't know any better.

Im not really coughing thanks to the breathing treatment, and I am getting air finally.

The pain is barley there, but It still hurts when I cough, but thanks to the shot and pain meds I can manage it until I am healed in my right arm, the irony that its my drawing arm that is being punished so much is the pisser.

I feel fantastic, for now, tomorrow is another story, but if tomorrow is an indication of what right now I am feeling, I will most welcome it! (again, it could be the amazing pain medication they gave me)

My right ankle, is feeling better, I can walk on it better, the right arm sprain well, because of the recent happening I need more time for that to heal, then I can draw...Wow by then I will be better too and not sick!!!!

I named her Mimsy to be a dickhead, cause she likes to meow alot so I say " shut up memssyyyyy" She went into surgery this morning, my mother took her for me, and drove me to the hospital lol. She is fine, and she is now fixed! All her shots etc..

Thank you all for the well wishs, and the support, and talking to me and keeping me company when I was freaking out cause my arm went ape shit sunday (which lead to the result of the arm problem today that left me in agony)


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Gas Mask head concepts

This is my first digital inking, since I found SAI to be more accommodating towards my digital inking ways. I don't know how well I did, but still its a start.


I think, this is what I would look like if I was my own character....
Right arm is nothing but plastic and tubes.