Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bill Lives!

After playing the new DLC for Left For Dead 2 "The Passing" I felt bad. Considering I did a lot of solo runs on Expert in L4D as Bill, and I always played as him, I felt part of myself kinda go along with him when I saw his corpse. I felt like doing some type of artwork for Valves L4D series, and this was the trigger. I know it prolly isn't the best work I have done, I am going to take a lot of this image out, leaving only Bill in the middle. I want to force myself to color this so if I just leave bill in during ink I may bring myself to it!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today was eventful

Went out of state to browse some printers and such to buy. Along the way we passed this, it had just happened, captured this on my cellphone but after it turned off the truck exploded behind us.
I did manage to get my printer also to do large scale artwork!!! More info (results too I hope) later :3!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Great Dane fursona concept.

I began working on this early this morning, I wanted to get down a design of a new what if type of anthropomorphic character for myself, what matched my personality more. After many talks with Vincent on nights and dorking around, this is the end result, I am quiet proud of it to be honest! I call him Connor, since I'm Irish and all, I feel that works best.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Chocobo Nest.

This is the first entry in my art blog, and it just happens to be a homage to a current game out at the time. Final Fantasy 13, now I don't like the game so much for many reasons, but the one character I happen to like is the old man, Sazh and his companion, his sons chocobo. I decided to make something a little lite, and some time for myself, a un-serious side to my work that was needed. Hope to keep posting, and using this account as a personal arcive as well as a nicel little digital art journal for all to see and enjoy!